19th | 2nd International African Congress The Importance of Africa in Reshaping International Order, Toru, Poland In Person and Online |
19th | Tech of Tomorrow, Poznan, Poland InPerson |
23rd | MEMORY, FORGETTING AND CREATING - 8th International Interdisciplinary Conference, Gdansk, Poland In Person and Online |
24th | The 9th International Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy (CPP 2025), Warsaw, Poland In Person and Online |
8th | The 3rd International Congress of Hypertension in Children and Adolescents (ICHCA 2025), Warsaw, Poland In Person and Online |
29th | Historical Anthropology. From Research Practices to Historical Subdiscipline, Kraków, Poland InPerson |
3rd | EuCNC & 6G Summit, Poznan, Poland In Person and Online |
12th | Philosophy and Christianity. Past - Present - Future, Warsaw, Poland InPerson |
12th | Philosophy and Christianity. Past – Present – Future, Warsaw, Poland InPerson |
25th | International Connect on Crop Science and Engineering, Warsaw, Poland In Person and Online |
25th | 2nd Modern Finance Conference, Warsaw, Poland In Person and Online |